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Numărul 129

Conferința The Developers 2023

Ovidiu Mățan
Fondator @ Today Software Magazine


14 Iunie, Cluj Innovation Park. Cea de-a cincea ediție a conferinței experts - to experts: The Developers. Anul acesta ne pregătim cu trei scene pe care vor fi prezenți o serie de invitați speciali care vor aborda subiecte din ariile: programare, AI, automotive, securitate, agile și cloud.


Anul trecut The Developers a fost prima conferință tehnică după pandemie. Ne-am bucurat de prezența a peste 250 de participanți la eveniment. S-au remarcat pe cele două scene speakeri precum Mark Seemann cu prezentarea sa Fractal Architecture și Dan Suciu cu Blessing or Curse? Embracing Change in Software Development.

Ce este nou în 2023?

Tematica experts to experts vizează prezentări de calitate susținute de profesioniști în domeniu. Majoritatea speakerilor care s-au remarcat la conferințele noastre anterioare vor veni la această ediție cu noi propuneri și abordări. În rândurile de mai jos expun pe scurt câteva informații legate de prezentările desfășurate pe cele trei scene. Sinopsisurile sunt în redactate în limba engleză, dat fiind că evenimentul se va desfășura în această limbă.

A pragmatic quick guide to TDD - Thomas Sundberg

Testing our code is something we all know we should do. It is on the same level as we know that it is good to floss our teeth. Testing can be done before or after the code is written. Adding tests when the code is written is a chore. It is much more fun, and we get much better results, if we use tests to drive the development. Writing the test first forces you to think of the output, and forces you to take small steps when the solution is not clear from the beginning. Writing the test first also enables you to refactor your code without being worried that you will break something.

Let's explore test first development a bit. We are developers and we are paid to deliver working software. We need a practical point of view. Let's use tests as drivers to build a small application live.

Getting into the habit of flossing teeth is not my area of expertise so I'll avoid that. Today we are lucky, we only need to build the backend. However, we need to build the backend with proper database support. And it should be thoroughly tested because we don't want to disappoint our users and get extra work when we thought we were done.

The tool chain I will use is very much middle of the road. We'll use Maven for building, Spring Boot for serving, and PostgreSQL for persisting. Nothing interesting to see there. The interesting part is the usage of the test of tools as drivers and good abstractions for testability.

This is a live code session and the result will be shared at GitHub at the end of the session for you to explore, play around with, and use at work tomorrow.

Introduction to MOSO, a Framework for Sustainable Organisations - Peter Leeson

This will cover the concepts of sustainability, what it means in different environments and what is necessary in an organisation (multinational or team) in order to ensure a true sustainable future.

Make it right, from the Start: how clean code and architecture enable cloud native approach - Wojciech Gawroński

As we live in the highly-connected, competitive, and more frequently unpredictable world, we know that flexibility and scaling capabilities of software systems require treating cloud as the new normal. That's why being modern applications are built with cloud in mind - treating it as a native environment.

At the same time, in IT, we pay attention to our craft - because we know that the quality of design and implementation affects everything that comes later. When building digital products, we treat this topic carefully - as we aim that our applications will be maintained for a much longer, in comparison to the software development phase.

As both worlds are extremely important, many projects often treat them as disconnected - even claiming that they are adopting DevOps, SRE, or Cloud Native approaches. In this talk, you will see a practical connection of both sides. You will see why taking care about quality at the foundational level of your software systems enables certain characteristics, that are determining if your application is designed in a modern and cloud native way - but more importantly, you will see how to do it.

Stories from the API Trenches, or How to Develop Secure APIs - Avisha Shafir

APIs are the beating heart of any modern web design. Cloud-based applications, Web services, mobile applications, IoT devices, and the list goes on. Studies show that approximately 80% of internet traffic is API traffic - everyone uses dozens of APIs every day, whether they know it or not.

The wide adoption of relatively complex technologies does not come risk-free - the door is open for implementation mistakes, design hiccups, logic flaws, and integration issues, all leading to open attack vectors.

In this talk, we will discuss:

  1. Real-world use cases, showing examples of API vulnerabilities.

  2. Discuss ideas on how to mitigate these design flaws.

  3. Discuss the pros and cons of relying on OAS\swagger security validations (small hint - it is not very efficient)

Let's talk about how to build secure API-based software.


Biletele se pot achiziționa online la un preț promoțional. Înainte de a îl cumpăra vă sugerez să vorbiți și cu cei de la departamentul de HR din compania voastră, s-ar putea să obțineți și alte beneficii, cum ar fi o zi liberă pentru participare.

Un amănunt important în cazul în care nu sunteți din Cluj, evenimentul va fi transmis online și veți putea vedea live toate cele trei track-uri. De asemenea, toți participanții vor avea acces după conferință la înregistrări.


The Developers este una dintre puținele conferințe tehnice strict pentru programatori care au loc în Cluj. Este o conferință organizată cu multă pasiune iar feedback-ul primit de la participanții la edițiile trecute a fost foarte bun. Continuăm acest trend iar dacă vreți o zi tehnică cu prezentări de calitate, networking și bună dispoziție vă așteptăm!

Conferință TSM

NUMĂRUL 150 - Technologiile SAP ABAP


  • Accenture
  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • Colors in projects